Saturday, June 20, 2009

Procrastinator's Anonymous

Hi, my name is Jamee and I am a procrastinator. (Is there a group for this, cuz if so, I REALLY need to join it).

I have always been the biggest procrastinator I know. I write papers the night before they are do and I have a million unfinished projects stuffed in a closet somewhere. A diet for me will always start "tomorrow." But this week this pitiful fault of mine has cost me dearly.

Things that happened this week due to procrastination:

1. Put off cleaning the kitchen until tomorrow only to have a friend show up the next day unannounced and was mortified by the tower-high pile of dishes in my sink and the filthy counter.

2. Had someone come over and notice the blue tape on my walls around my baseboards and I told her "Since we got the new floors we had to put in quarter round and I need to paint it."
She asked, "When did you get the new floors?"
"Um. . . 2 1/2 months ago" . . which is how long the blue tape has been there

3.Put off getting up this morning to play piano at the primary activity so ended up getting kids donuts for breakfast and telling them to cram it in their faces on the way to the church so we wouldn't be late

4. Laundry. . . ugh. Let's just say Caden had to wear the same underwear twice because it is SO behind.

5. Procrastinated making a grocery list so that when hubby decided spur of the moment to take the kids to the pool so I could go shopping I had no list and was very hungry. . hence I spent $200 on junk food basically.

6. Did not study at ALL this week so my usual 2 hours of studying is going to turn into 4 this next week. . .crap.

7. Completely forgot about Father's Day until about an hour ago so ended up buying ridiculously expensive concert tickets that Jared really wants to go to just so I could save face. (I procrastinated on his birthday too so I owe him double).

8. Got pics of the kids taken 2 months ago and just now got around to ordering them. (BTW, thanks Andrea!)

The list goes on, but I really don't know what to do with myself these days! Hopefully someone else has this problem too. I seriously need to start a support group...maybe tomorrow. :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Okay, so today I am loving my children. You know, not just the everyday "I'm a mom and I love my kids even if they do drive me nuts sometimes and make huge messes and sometimes, just sometimes, I wish I could not have kids for just one day so I could spend a leisurely time shopping without 3 crazy kids whining for candy at the checkout line" kind of love. I am genuinely head-over-heels in love with my kids today. Since I am no longer working, I get to spend a lot more time with them and just have fun. We hang out at the pool, have picnics, and I have just been enjoying them. They are really great kids! They are funny and cute and my little rockstars!

Since I just learned how to put videos on my blog, I want to share with you a couple of cool things about my kids.

#1 - Callie, my 5 year old:

Flexible little thing, huh? This was a front-walkover, round-off, back walkover. She can do the chinese splits and all sorts of things that she did not get from me.

#2 - Caden, my 4 year old singing "Nephi's Courage" (Go primary!!):

Isn't he cute?? I love how he makes up his own words to the verse.

So sorry for the bragging, but I just wanted to share a couple of things I think are great about my kids. I don't want them to ever grow up. . they all still love hanging out with mommy.

Summer is awesome so far and hopefully it will just get better! (Hope my good outlook sticks around for awhile).

P.S. "The Time Traveler's Wife", one of my all time favorite books, is coming to a theatre near you soon --WAHOO!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Why we have the Word of Wisdom

Seriously, not ever!
So I have been studying , well cramming really, all day for a big test I have on all the respiratory problems you can get and die from.
They are horrible, torturous diseases and 90% of them are due to smoking! I can't believe it used to be thought of as sexy to smoke. I guess it still is in some ways. Yeah, sucking butts is real sexy, huh?

Anyway, I always knew that the Word of Wisdom was correct, but when you really get down to the nitty gritty of some of these horrible diseases, you know it is definitely inspired of God!
Lung CA is the #1 cause of cancer related death in the US and the #1 cause of preventable death. Very sad. And the thing is, is that as a nurse I have seen the suffering of these people. It is not a good way to go. My grandpa died of lung CA before I was born, and I am saddened to think how much he probably suffered, for no good reason.
Well that was my soap box for today. Gotta study some more.

Oh and P.S. I am a great starter and a lousy finisher. I have 27 unfinished projects to do. So I know I made great claims about blogging and getting to know everyone in the ward and I haven't shown up at one darn activity, and I haven't posted on my blog in 2 months. So all I can do is try again. This time I'll keep praying for strength to stay out of my shell. It's tough being painfully shy. .. . . and lonely. (where's the violin?) Thanks Alicia for getting on to me about disappearing.