Friday, March 13, 2009

My funny little boy. . kudos to the primary presidency for handing out cd's of the primary songs. My little Caden (4) wants to listen to it ALL THE TIME!! I mean I love "I lived in heaven" as much as the next gal, but sometimes I just want to listen to some good ole rock - n- roll..even some rap..anything a little more edgy than little kids singing church music.
So anyway, the music has brought all of these questions to this little guy's mind:

"Mommy, is Jesus in heaven?"

"Yes, Caden, he is."

"Where's heaven?

"No one really knows..but its far far away. It's a beautiful place."

" But I want it to be in the sky!!!!" (stomping feet)

"Ok Caden, it's definitely in the sky."

"Do I have to die to go to heaven?"

"Yep, it is a beautiful place we get to go to when we die."

(scrunching up his face in thought): "I don't think I want to go to heaven then."

"Mommy, is Jesus in my tummy?"

"No silly, Jesus is not in your tummy. He is in heaven."

"But He TOLD ME once a long long time ago that he was going to be in my tummy. But he's not there anymore cuz he's in heaven for a little while."

"Ok, Caden."

Just thought I'd really had to be there, but it was so cute. Those of you who know Caden with his little teeny voice would have got a kick out of it. I'm really gonna miss these days. . .


Jennifer said...

Super cute! Gotta love that Jesus is in his tummy.

Court said...

Maybe next year we'll add Rihanna to your family's CD just for kicks. ;)

Andrea Dent said...

Caden is awesome, what a fun little guy to have in your family! And I'm impressed he's been singing "I lived in Heaven"! Kids just crack me up.

Liz said...

I miss being in Primary to hear Caden's little happy voice!

I've been trying to put you on my bloglist but can't seem to get it to work. I'll have to get Jen to help me.

Jennifer said...

Hey there! How's it going? Are you going through the "I feel like an idiot I started a blog and wrote all that crap and now I totally exposed myself and I just want to delete it!" phase? Cuz everyone I know has gone through it shortly after beginning. If not, uh, then just ignore this. :)

Jamee said...


I actually went through that for about a week. "What the heck was I thinking? 1-no one wants to know that crap and 2-now everyone's going to see you as this weird person with phobias. . . But frankly now I don't give a crap. I just want to feel closer to the women in the ward, so whatever helps, helps. That and I am too busy to care about what stupid thing I said yesterday. :) But thank you very much for thinking of me and telling me everyone goes through it. You were inspired! You continue to amaze me. . .