Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Why we have the Word of Wisdom

Seriously, not ever!
So I have been studying , well cramming really, all day for a big test I have on all the respiratory problems you can get and die from.
They are horrible, torturous diseases and 90% of them are due to smoking! I can't believe it used to be thought of as sexy to smoke. I guess it still is in some ways. Yeah, sucking butts is real sexy, huh?

Anyway, I always knew that the Word of Wisdom was correct, but when you really get down to the nitty gritty of some of these horrible diseases, you know it is definitely inspired of God!
Lung CA is the #1 cause of cancer related death in the US and the #1 cause of preventable death. Very sad. And the thing is, is that as a nurse I have seen the suffering of these people. It is not a good way to go. My grandpa died of lung CA before I was born, and I am saddened to think how much he probably suffered, for no good reason.
Well that was my soap box for today. Gotta study some more.

Oh and P.S. I am a great starter and a lousy finisher. I have 27 unfinished projects to do. So I know I made great claims about blogging and getting to know everyone in the ward and I haven't shown up at one darn activity, and I haven't posted on my blog in 2 months. So all I can do is try again. This time I'll keep praying for strength to stay out of my shell. It's tough being painfully shy. .. . . and lonely. (where's the violin?) Thanks Alicia for getting on to me about disappearing.


Alisha Oldroyd said...

Glad you're "back in the saddle" so to speak. Was it your new sexy hair cut that gave you the gusto?? Seriously, you looked rockin at church. I don't get to all the activities either but try when you can! We always have a blast & you are so fun!

Shel said...

Like I always say... you are doing soooo much better than me... I still have no blog :) Um, that picture of the wrinkly lady is freaky scary, ikes.

Jennifer said...

Dear fellow starter-not-finisher,

I totally understand this! At least your concrete is stained. And you did look hollywood at church. You should be all about the red lips. Uh oh, now I feel nervous that you didn't have red lips. Whatev, you looked really good.

When you look into the nitty gritty of caffeine, you just post it up there. Until thene, I'm going to Sonic.

Jamee said...

Jen, caffeine is also the cause of many problems - heart problems, however I am still in denial about that one.

Alicia, it is not the haircut that brought me back. It is the antidepressants - they work . . but u have to actually take them.

Jennifer said...

No mention no heart problems!

HURRAY FOR DRUGS!!! That's the only reason I have left the house in years. It isn't a personality trait; it's a disease.